Sampling and ore and rock properties modification – in Kevitsa Mine

The 1st sample collection for ITERAMS WP1 and WP2 was done in July 2017. After first sample series were tested in Leoben and Oulu Universities, and first results were received during winter and spring 2017-2018, a new campaign was planned and decided.

This time, the Team planned and executed sample collection from the tailings pond and from one low grade / side rock blast bench. ITERAMS Team had explained to Kevitsa mine, which types of samples were targeted (amphiboles, diopside and ). From the tailings pond samples were collected from 4 different location based on historical data available, and from the blast bench (4 samples) based on mineralogical map which was made by Sini-Maria Kokko. Sample volumes were this time little bigger (all samples more than 25kg)

Download the keynote to learn more about the process and results we got with this project. For any questions or comments related to this news, please contact us.

Download the keynote

Sampling and ore and rock properties modification | Keynote download


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What is IMA Engineering?

IMA Engineering has used on-line sensors for analyzing ore and waste rock in mining for over 25 years. Today IMA on-line sensors are used in various stages of the mining process including on-line analysis of drill cores, drill chips, ore, and waste in loader buckets, ROM ore analysis on conveyor belts and in bulk ore sorting, as well as slurry analysis in concentrators.

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Sorting and sustainable mining


Mines and Technology Helsinki 2018