Autosampler – Drill Cuttings Sampling Device
The Autosampler, our novel drill cuttings sampling system, automates the sample splitting and sample bag changing process.
The rotating cone type splitter is highly accurate and ensures precise sample division. This ensures cost-effective operations.
Our innovative sample collection system maintains the geological structure in the sample bag. This supports detailed ore and waste border recognition.
Benefits and Features
Improved sampling for grade control
Improved worker health
and safety
Can turn production drill into production and sampling drill
Autosampler sample bag change remotely by drill rig operator from inside the rig cabin
Rotating cone-type splitter
Splitting ratios are adjustable from 0 to 100%. For example, one sample for every drill rod, or one sample per hole
Seamlessly integrates into both production and reverse circulation drill rigs, for surface and underground operations
Easy to install under the drill rig’s primary dust cyclone
Robust but light stainless steel structure
Built to be used also in arctic conditions

Sampling underground

RockSock sample bags

Tunneling drill sampling

Blast hole sampling

Surface drill sampling