IMA Engineering

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IMA at The Mining Technology Partners Podcast

We are happy to share with you this episode of the Mining Technology Partners Podcast where Ilpo Auranen, Chairman of IMA Engineering and CEO of Mine On-Line Service was invited to talk to Cynthia Collins.

In this episode, Ilpo talked with Cynthia about the online mine concept and applications, Blasthole and RC drill chip sampling and analysis, Ore Analyzer on Conveyor for analyzing coarse primary and finely crushed ore - Bulk Ore Sorting System

The Mining Technology Partners  Podcast brings industry contacts to listeners for the purpose of knowledge sharing and collaboration and awareness of advancements and research around the globe. Every couple of weeks they uncover the who’s who and the what’s next of technology and innovation in the mineral exploration and mining industry.

You can listen to more episodes here.

What is IMA Engineering?

IMA Engineering has used on-line sensors for analyzing ore and waste rock in mining for over 25 years. Today IMA on-line sensors are used in various stages of the mining process including on-line analysis of drill cores, drill chips, ore, and waste in loader buckets, ROM ore analysis on conveyor belts and in bulk ore sorting, as well as slurry analysis in concentrators.

Book a time to talk to one of our experts. Follow us on Twitter and LinkedIn and stay up-to-date with the latest IMA news.